Saturday, February 22, 2025

Snow Daze Mood

It's been snowing for weeks!!
Storm after storm has hit.
So many missed events, bus cancellations, road closures,
and challenging days ...
need I say more?

Sure, it's pretty, but ... Spring will come - right?

The snow cake just kept growing and growing! 17" at latest measure.

 One would consider that maybe being "stuck" staying home
would be opportunity for finishing some projects, cleaning the house, etc.
A bad cold and cough kept me on the couch for days and my ambition
went out with the cold wind and storms - eek!
Somehow this is all too reminiscent of those Covid days of 5 years ago.

Thankfully, there were some silver linings and occasionally the sun did peek through
the dense grey clouds making me feel much better and giving me the mojo I needed.

Stormy Day Valentine's bake.
Missing my sisters!

A baby rag quilt for a special little February baby.

School cancelled day gave us a chance to get his hot wheels
quilt knotted. He is a good "knotter"!

She practiced her selfie skills ...
We had a fun "play date"!

The orchid bloomed! So beautiful.

Today's walk ... I have to admit that it actually does look very pretty indeed!
Perhaps the sun's shining helps with the mood.

Spring is officially 4 Mondays plus 4 days away - yippee!
Will March come in like a Lion or a Lamb?

These will be "remember when" stories we tell our grandchildren?

Till next time ... stay cozy!

Thursday, February 6, 2025

A Fresh New Year

 2025 has begun ...

A picture story for this very cold and dreary month.
A few wonderful bright spots were found along the way.

Another trip around the sun for me and beautiful flowers
from a dear sister-in-law!

It snowed and snowed with still no end in sight!

What is a girl to do
but some yeast baking!
The delicious Fruit and Nut Wreath
by Anneliese,
Mennonite Girls Can Cook
Celebrations - Page 258
**a favourite**

Or a new cinnamon bun recipe
baked with an appreciative

Snow men and women were built!

A quick cold and rainy get-away to Florida with dear friends
was a welcomed break from the snow!
Disney dinner reservations and lots and lots of shopping were the order of the days!

February has arrived and wondering what it will hold ...
wishing lots of love and happiness to all my dear readers.

Almost getting it!

Till next time ... stay well and cozy! Spring will come!

Thursday, December 26, 2024

I'm OK!

Oh so glad we've passed the solstice!

These dark and dreary days have me in a state.
I know how thankful I should be for all that I have
and I know that a little sunshine and longer days will lift my spirits
as the long Winter hours finally turn into brighter ones.

It's just that ...

An unforeseen, and in the blink of an eye, event
before Christmas 2024 happened.

Front end - passenger side

Rear end driver's side (where my grandson sat)!

There really are no words to express how thankful we all are to have 
survived this crash with minor injuries!
Not so minor emotional injuries perhaps.

My first and hopefully last car crash ever ...
All the airbags went off.
The other two vehicle's passengers also escaped with minor injuries!
And most of all, Sully is OK!
His little voice "I'm OK" while I struggled to breath from the airbag punch - will never leave me. 
So thankful for the efficient first responders and for
all the concerned folks who witnessed the event!

We are trying our best to deal with this set-back and with the crush of Christmas
that is upon us.

I pray for patience as we deal with all the aftermath.
The Good Lord has protected us and I must carry on with hope and faith
that all will be OK.

I humbly write this, not for your sympathy, just to recognize another event
and gratefulness on this life journey.

Till next time ... I will be holding my family just a bit tighter this year! 


Christmas was spent with those I love and
arrangements are being made for a replacement vehicle.

Happy New Year to all my dear readers!


Sunday, December 1, 2024

Hope for the Season


First Snow!

November 14-16 held some "bench visits" with the Leis family,
to commemorate that day/week 3 years ago!
We miss him so deeply!

and a tombstone decoration was put in place...

... with me still trying hard to gracefully accept this sorrowful day!

Today is Sunday, December 1. The advent candle has been lit, 
giving much hope for the coming season and the joy of Christmas.

So thankful for "unto us a child is born"
The best kind of hope.

The decorating has begun, bit by bit and our first family gathering with my siblings
and much loved inlaws, gives me a warm kind of hope.

Love this bunch!

We don't gather often but when we have the chance it is so very meaningful.
All were able to come in spite of the weather being frightful!
We missed one sister and BIL who live too far away in the great white North to be able to come.
We managed to do a facetime with them, however, and sang Happy Birthday to the one
turning 75 today!
It also helped give me the "push" I needed to set up the wee tree
(on wheels, as my brother noted) for a time together at my house, apres dinner.

Has your decorating begun or been completed?
How are your Christmas plans and hopes for the season shaping up?

I have been practicing each morning to make a design
on my morning latte coffee.
It's not going well.
So far I have a tree, sort of a heart,
and an angel I think (that was supposed to be a tree).
I admire the baristas that can create their beautiful designs and make it look so easy!
Endless online tutorials just don't seem to help me.
But, I do love my morning coffee non-the-less.

Till next time ... stop to smell the coffee and may you feel hopeful and joy with the anticipation for this most holy season.

Sunday, October 27, 2024

Full and Wonderfull!!

 Almost two months has gone by since posting
and also since reading other posts!
September and October have been full and wonderfull indeed!

The back yard has gone from this:

To this: 

So very many things have transpired.
I write this, dear readers, as a journal for myself as well.
I don't want to forget what a whirlwind it's been.

The pictures on my iPhone help me to remember.
Do you take lots and lots of pictures but don't print any?
I am becoming so aware of this and need to do better.

Two full moons and many, many glorious sunrises have been 
admired these last couple of months...

The annual visit from dear Kentucky friends Debi and Larry started off the month of September properly.
We had a nice "reunion" and time together along with our friends Jan and Dave.
Always a special time ...

We hiked to "Jim's" bench on the G2G trail

Sporting our newly crafted necklaces. Friends forever!

A quick dash to Northern Ontario (8-9 hours North from home)
with close to 50 folks was an informative and historical moment for many!
We travelled to Montreal River, which is about 1 hour North of Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario,
to install a historical plaque commemorating the
Conscientious Objectors from our area during WWII, 1941-43
So many family stories and memories shared during this interesting project.
You can read more about it on this link:

The quilt for our church's 75th anniversary was completed
and quilted just in time - whew!

The actual Anniversary weekend was full and so meaningfull
with displays in the church's foyer, a Saturday night Hymn Sing followed by cheesecake dessert,
a special Sunday morning service followed by a potluck FEAST!
It was humbling to be part of this very special event.

Wish you could hear the harmony!!

A bus tour to Lancaster, PA with some friends, came on the heels of the anniversary.
Off we went, me with a good case of laryngitis after all that singing and celebrating,

The weather was picture perfect.
We visited Lancaster's colourful downtown farmer's market,
the replica of a Tabernacle,
Hershey's Chocolate World,
Longwood gardens, and last but not least,
the famous Sight and Sound Theatre to see the spectacular production of Daniel!
My first time to Sight and Sound. Have you been there?

My favourite cookbooks (MGCC) at the tabernacle bookstore!

I soon got my voice back followed by a rough cough.
I guess it's all going around again these days?
Am feeling much better and as I write this am preparing a "better late, than never"
Thanksgiving dinner for my wee family.

Till next time ... enjoy these last full days of October. Stop and savour the aromas of Fall.

My heart is FULL

Saturday, September 7, 2024


 Is it "fall-ing" where you are?
I always forget how much I love this time of year!
Near perfect warm days
Evening Golden hours
Long shadows
Cool, open the windows, nights
"Sweater Weather"
No need for air conditioning nor for heating - perfection!

There were some end of Summer shanigans ...

Times spent in the park...

Some new decor - mirror finally...

Some sour dough baking and gifting ...

And suddenly it was "back to school" for these two cuties ...

My September calendar has exploded with meetings, some theatre,
coffee times with friends, sleep overs, a quick bus trip North, and summer
guests from Kentucky.
More details to follow on all these upcoming events as they unfold.

One cannot say I am not keeping busy - perhaps too much so?

Stay well my dear readers ...

Till next time ...  stop to enjoy these wonderfilled last days of our summer.

Friday, August 16, 2024

Waning Summer Feels

 After Day Camp Activities and Shenanigans ...

We tried some recipes from this Betty Crocker cookbook.
"Nammie's Cooking School"
A fun time and some of the meals were good but others were "Comme Ci, Comme Ca"
according to Noa - smile!
The zucchini fritters were a complete fail and Kraft Dinner Mac 'n Cheese is much favoured
over homemade!

Some preserving and baking going on ...

Pickled coloured beets, Mom's Sweet Dills, Peaches, Sourdough

Some sitting on the back porch and watching the 
Hummingbirds and Orioles
much to my pleasure!!!

These birds absolutely thrill me!
Thanks to dear friends for the awesome Oriole Feeder.
I truly am blessed.
Can you hear the rustling Poplar Tree leaves in the background?
A sure sign that summer is waning!?

Walks in the park never disappoint!

Doing my best to keep a sunny disposition after a life changing loss.
Miss him every moment!

Till next time ... how are you filling these last days of summer. Make them last ...

Snow Daze Mood

It's been snowing for weeks!! Storm after storm has hit. So many missed events, bus cancellations, road closures, and challenging days ....